
Favorite Life Quotes.

For some of you that don’t know me well, I am a huge fan of quotes, primarily quotes about life. Quotes are very intriguing to me, because they can literally sum all your feelings, thoughts and emotions in just one sentence.  In this post, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite quotes with you and would love to hear which ones you like the most. Also I would love to hear what some of your personal favorite quotes are too! Share your feedback! 🙂


“Think of life’s problems as speed bumps, things you have to get over in order to enjoy the rest of life’s journey.”


“The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.”


“Don’t waste time dwelling on the past. Learn from it, but don’t worry about what you can’t change.”


“Be thankful for hard times in your life. Try not to look at them as bad things, but as opportunities to grow and learn.”


“Funny, sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that change your life forever.”


“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”


“It’s supposed to be hard! If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.”-A League of Their Own


“Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.”


“Nobody’s life is filled with perfect little moments. And if it were, they wouldn’t be perfect little moments. They would just be normal. How would you ever know happiness if you never experienced downs.”


“Cuz sometimes that mountain you’ve been climbin’ is just a grain of sand.”-Carrie Underwood


“Remember, after rain there’s always sunshine.”


“The squeaky wheel gets the oil first!”-My Mom ❤

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Last Steps to Living Your Life to the Fullest!!!

47. Let loose and have fun. Sing at the top of your lungs in the shower. Dance in the rain. Run barefoot and feel the sand beneath your toes. Release whatever may be holding you back and just let go!

48. Take time to reflect on nature.  Soak in the beauty of nature. Step away from your busy life and take a look at the natural beauty that surrounds us each and every day.

49. You have a choice. Recognize you always have a choice. You can choose how you want to live your life.

50. Laugh more. Don’t count the minutes count the laughs. Smile and have fun. Remember, it takes less facial muscles to smile than it does to frown, plus smiling is a stress relief!

51. Embrace change. The only thing that’s constant is change. Change means growth. Don’t resist change, learn to make the best out of the changes that come your way.

52. Be more risk-inclined. Don’t be afraid to take risks. The bigger your risks, the bigger your return will be.

53. Embrace mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the faster you learn. Make sure to draw lessons so you can build on them.

54. Embrace disappointments. Many people try to avoid feeling disappointed. They develop a resistant relationship with disappointment. However, disappointment is part and parcel of being human – it reflects your real passions. Don’t resist it – instead, embrace it. Understand it, then channel into it to create more in life.

55. Be your best self. It’s about being your best self and achieving your highest potential. It’s only through being the best we can be that we live our life to the fullest.

56. Love yourself. You are the person you have to live with for the rest with your life. Treasure and love yourself.

57. Love others. Be grateful for all the people around you because they help you to grow. They enrich your life experience. Without them, your life would not have been the same.

58. Last but not least: Love life. Living is a journey or better yet an experience. We are just a little spec on this earth surrounded by millions of other species, thousands of different life forms, over 7 billion people, all placed on one single planet. There’s so much more out there that we don’t know, so why not take in and cherish every single moment we have here on earth. We only life once, make the best of it!

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Moving on to the Next Chapter of Our Lives…

With graduation right around the corner for many of my friends, I thought this would be the perfect time to share the last several steps of living your life to the fullest. Many of us will be entering into the real world soon and moving on to the next chapter of our lives. Although we may not be able to spend every waking moment with each other like we have for the past five years, we’ll be able to reflect on the great times that we shared together and carry those special memories  in our thoughts and in our hearts. There will be many changes at this time; some good, some bad, some happy, some sad. No matter what it may be, this is a time for growth. Turning to this new chapter we will have to find ways to survive on our own, look for jobs and adapt to new surroundings, and with this will come struggles and disappointments. However, we cannot let these things discourage us. It doesn’t matter how many times we get rejected or shot down, what matters is that we get back up each and every time and never give up no matter how hard things may be. With these hardships will also come new opportunities, new responsibilities, success as well as a number of other positive outcomes. As an athlete, my motto was always, “Every game is just an opportunity to measure yourself against your own potential.” However, in the real world and in this new chapter of our lives, it can be changed to, “Every day is just an opportunity to measure yourself against your own potential.” This means that every day will only be as good as we want it to be, because we’re in control! We may not realize or recognize the great potential that we all have, but as long we put 110% in all that we do and put our best foot forward, we only have one direction to go, and that’s up!

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What’s Your Kind Deed for the Day?

Step #32 “Do a kind deed a day.”Doing a kind gesture each day and lending a hand to someone just because you want to will not go unnoticed. Today, when I was at Walmart  unloading my stuff into my car, I turned around to put my cart back when I noticed an old man (maybe in his 80’s) slouched over struggling to put his groceries into the trunk of his car. Without hesitation, I ran over to the man and asked him if I could help. He slowly looked up at me, smiled, and said, “Aww well thank you young lady,” and couldn’t thank me enough. I put his cart away for him and I was on my way. Once I got into my car I just smiled to myself because the look of appreciation that he had in his eyes and just seeing how grateful he was for my help, was engraved into my mind. It was a great feeling to say the least.

That brings me to my next point. I really feel that we tend to take our youth years for granted. Little things that we do each and every day such as PUTTING OUR GROCERIES AWAY, bending over to pick something up off the ground, eating, walking, hearing, seeing etc. are all things that we don’t really think about. We think these are just routine every day things that we do, but what we don’t realize is how one day we may not be able to do all of these things (and it’s not our choice).

One may think they are doing a small gesture and simply lending a hand, but to others, these gestures can have a large impact on their lives and for that reason, helping this elderly man out was really rewarding to me, whether he knew it or not. So I guess you could say that is my good deed of the day! Now I would love to hear from my blog followers of a deed you may have done today or in the past week! And remember, appreciate the little things and abilities that we are fortunate enough to have today and lend a hand to those who may not have these little things that they once enjoyed.

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More Steps to Living Your Life to the Fullest!!!

26. Don’t badmouth other people. If there’s anything you don’t like about someone, say it to him/her in the face – otherwise, don’t say it at all.

27. Be a compassionate person. Show compassion and kindness to everyone around you.
28. Develop 100% self-belief. Believe in yourself and your abilities.  Remove your limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect others to believe in you?
29. Let go of unhappy past. This means past grievances, heartbreaks, sadness, disappointments.etc.

30. Let go of relationships that do not serve you. That means negative people, dishonest people, people who don’t respect you, people who are overly critical, people who don’t accept you for YOU and people and relationships that prevent you from growing.

31. Spend more time with people who enable you. Hang out with people who you compatible with, like-minded people, people who are positive, successful, strong achievers and positive for your growth. You are after all the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

32. Do a kind deed a day. What is something you can do today that will make the world a better place? Go and do it.

33 Help other people who are in need. Voluntarism is one outlet. You can also start with your friends and family.

34. Help people when they least expect it, without reason. You don’t need any reason to help others. Do it because you want to. Share the love with everyone.

35. Fall in Love. ❤

36. Keep learning. There is something to learn from everything you see, hear and experience. This includes your mistakes and past mistakes. Learn to interpret each event objectively. Focus on what you can learn from it so you can apply them moving forward.

37. Don’t settle. Don’t settle for less. Don’t settle for someone you don’t like as your partner. Don’t settle for a job you don’t like. Don’t settle for friends who make you feel like a lesser person. Don’t settle for a weight you are unhappy with. Go for what you really want.

38. Live in the moment. Are your thoughts wandering around all the time? Calm your mind down. Be present and really THERE. The only time you’re ever living is in this moment.

39. Appreciate the little moments. Snuggling under warm covers on a rainy day. Ice cream on a hot day. A kiss with your loved one. Being with your best friend. A walk by the park. The breeze on your face. Quiet, alone time. Watching the sun rise/set. Soak in all these little moments of life. They are what make up your life.

40. Take a break. Being the best also requires you to take breaks when needed. Don’t over work yourself. Make sure you rest when needed. Doing so lets you walk the longer mile ahead.

41. Stop wanting things a certain way. Stop trying to always be a perfectionist. Be firm on your end goals and your ideas, but let go of the fixation that things have to be a certain way. You’ll realize it’s by doing that that you achieve what you want.

42. Focus on creation. Think about what you can bring to the world, and create that.

43. Don’t criticize or judge others. Respect others for who they are.

44. The only person you can change is yourself. Stop expecting others to behave in a certain way. Rather than demand that others around you change, focus on changing yourself. You’ll be happier and live a more fulfilling life this way.

45. Embrace gratitude. Be grateful for everything you have today, and everything you will get in the future.

46. Express gratitude. Let the people who’ve touched you know of your gratitude towards them. You’ll be surprised what a little act like this can do. If you don’t tell them, they’ll never know.



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Some Steps to Living Your Life to the Fullest!!!

1. Live every day on a fresh new start. Don’t be held back by what happened yesterday, the day before, the week before, the year before, and so on.

 2. Be true to who you are. Stop trying to please other people or be someone else. It’s better to be an original version of yourself than an exact duplicate of someone else.

3. Quit complaining. Stop complaining about your problems and work on them instead.

4. Show motivation. Stop waiting for others around you to do something and take action yourself instead.

5. Rather than thinking “what if”, think “next time”. Don’t think about things you can’t change or unhappy things because that’s just a waste of time. Instead focus on the things you can act on. That’s the most beneficial thing you can do in any situation you are faced with.

6. Focus on WHAT vs. How. Focus on WHAT you want first, before you think about HOW to do it.  Anything is possible, as long as you set your mind, heart and soul to it.

7. Create your own opportunities. You can wait for opportunities to drop in life. Or, you can go out there and create your own opportunities. As my mom always says, “The squeaky wheel gets the oil first!”

8. Live more consciously each day. Stop going through the motions of life. Your life is something to be experienced, not coasted through.

9. Be committed to your growth. The higher level of consciousness you are in, the richer your life experience. Achieving higher consciousness comes from your commitment to growth.

10. Know your inner self. This means knowing who you are and what you represent. Be clear of your personal identity for this is the first thing people notice.

11. Discover your life purpose. Set the mission statement for your life; one that will drive you to life your life to the fullest.

12. Live in alignment with your purpose. What can you start doing immediately that will let you live 100% in alignment with your purpose? How can you live true to your purpose within every context/situation/environment you are in, every second of the day?

13. Set your life commandments. Define your personal commandments to live your best life. What motto do you want to follow in your life?

14. Discover your values. Values are the essence of what makes you, you. Take the time to discover your values in life. What things are important to you?

15. Hold yourself to the highest conduct. Every one of us have our own set of ethics, principles and moral codes. Live true to them every day.

16. Design your ideal life. What is your ideal life? Design it. First, assess your life at the moment via the life wheel. Then, ask yourself what it takes to live a 10/10 life (in all 10 areas – career, health, love, social, etc…). What is the life that will make you the best person you can ever be? There are no limits in life – only those you set for yourself!

17. Stop putting life on hold. Are you putting any parts of your life on hold? What is one area of your life you have been putting off/avoiding/denying? Uncover it and start working on it.

18. Create your life handbook. Your life handbook is your life-long personal manual to live your best life – from your mission statement, your values, your long-term goals, short-term goals, personal strengths, blind spots to address, plans, among others. Create your book first then build on from there.

19. Set your goals. After you design your ideal life, set your 5-year, 3-year and 1-year goals. The more specific your goals, the better!

19. Create a bucket list. Come up with a list of things you would like to do before you die. Then, go out there and achieve them!

20. Don’t do things for the sake of doing them. Always evaluate what you’re doing and only do it if there is meaning behind them. Only do things that serve a purpose to you and will steer you  in the right direction on your path of life.

21. Do the things you love. Life is too precious to spend it doing anything else. If you don’t enjoy something, then don’t do it, it’s as simple as that. Spend your time and energy on things that bring you fulfillment and happiness.

22. Discover your passion in life. What sets you on fire? Go out there and explore your options. Discover the things you love to do.

23. Make your passion a full-fledged career.  Then, start pursuing it. Stop working in a job you are passionless towards. Quit your job when you are ready to do it full-time.

24. Learn from criticism. Be open to criticism but don’t be affected by it. Criticism is meant to help you be a better person. Learn from it.

25. Be positive. Is the glass half empty or half full? How about neither? Why not look at the glass to be full- the bottom half is water, the top half is air. It’s all a matter of perception. Take on empowering perceptions, not those that bind you. If you can see the positive sides of everything, you’ll be able to live a much richer life than others. Eliminate all the unnecessary negativity from your life.

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As I mentioned in the ‘About’ section of my blog, life is just like a puzzle. We’re constantly learning from our mistakes and having to overcome various obstacles that come up  in our lives. There are many things that happen to us in life that we may not understand why they happen but that’s what’s so interesting about life, we never know where it will take us next. Life is simply a journey of lessons. We learn from past experiences and use these lessons to pave the way further in life. Each struggle we are faced with is just another lesson we are being taught and need to realize that these difficult times are just another piece of the puzzle we need to collect. So through the good and the bad, each event that takes place on our journey through life is simply another piece of the puzzle that will soon reveal the bigger picture behind it all.

With that said, I will be sharing little by little…or should I say piece by piece 🙂 some different steps and ways you can live your life to the fullest and make the most of this journey! As you go through this list, I want you to take the time to think to yourself, “Do I do these things in my life? Am I fulfilling the steps on this list or could I maybe work on some of these to improve my life?” Just remember, there’s always room for improvement whether it be in yourself or the way you’re living your life.

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