Posts Tagged With: Good-deed

What’s Your Kind Deed for the Day?

Step #32 “Do a kind deed a day.”Doing a kind gesture each day and lending a hand to someone just because you want to will not go unnoticed. Today, when I was at Walmart  unloading my stuff into my car, I turned around to put my cart back when I noticed an old man (maybe in his 80’s) slouched over struggling to put his groceries into the trunk of his car. Without hesitation, I ran over to the man and asked him if I could help. He slowly looked up at me, smiled, and said, “Aww well thank you young lady,” and couldn’t thank me enough. I put his cart away for him and I was on my way. Once I got into my car I just smiled to myself because the look of appreciation that he had in his eyes and just seeing how grateful he was for my help, was engraved into my mind. It was a great feeling to say the least.

That brings me to my next point. I really feel that we tend to take our youth years for granted. Little things that we do each and every day such as PUTTING OUR GROCERIES AWAY, bending over to pick something up off the ground, eating, walking, hearing, seeing etc. are all things that we don’t really think about. We think these are just routine every day things that we do, but what we don’t realize is how one day we may not be able to do all of these things (and it’s not our choice).

One may think they are doing a small gesture and simply lending a hand, but to others, these gestures can have a large impact on their lives and for that reason, helping this elderly man out was really rewarding to me, whether he knew it or not. So I guess you could say that is my good deed of the day! Now I would love to hear from my blog followers of a deed you may have done today or in the past week! And remember, appreciate the little things and abilities that we are fortunate enough to have today and lend a hand to those who may not have these little things that they once enjoyed.

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