Posts Tagged With: reflect

Last Steps to Living Your Life to the Fullest!!!

47. Let loose and have fun. Sing at the top of your lungs in the shower. Dance in the rain. Run barefoot and feel the sand beneath your toes. Release whatever may be holding you back and just let go!

48. Take time to reflect on nature.  Soak in the beauty of nature. Step away from your busy life and take a look at the natural beauty that surrounds us each and every day.

49. You have a choice. Recognize you always have a choice. You can choose how you want to live your life.

50. Laugh more. Don’t count the minutes count the laughs. Smile and have fun. Remember, it takes less facial muscles to smile than it does to frown, plus smiling is a stress relief!

51. Embrace change. The only thing that’s constant is change. Change means growth. Don’t resist change, learn to make the best out of the changes that come your way.

52. Be more risk-inclined. Don’t be afraid to take risks. The bigger your risks, the bigger your return will be.

53. Embrace mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the faster you learn. Make sure to draw lessons so you can build on them.

54. Embrace disappointments. Many people try to avoid feeling disappointed. They develop a resistant relationship with disappointment. However, disappointment is part and parcel of being human – it reflects your real passions. Don’t resist it – instead, embrace it. Understand it, then channel into it to create more in life.

55. Be your best self. It’s about being your best self and achieving your highest potential. It’s only through being the best we can be that we live our life to the fullest.

56. Love yourself. You are the person you have to live with for the rest with your life. Treasure and love yourself.

57. Love others. Be grateful for all the people around you because they help you to grow. They enrich your life experience. Without them, your life would not have been the same.

58. Last but not least: Love life. Living is a journey or better yet an experience. We are just a little spec on this earth surrounded by millions of other species, thousands of different life forms, over 7 billion people, all placed on one single planet. There’s so much more out there that we don’t know, so why not take in and cherish every single moment we have here on earth. We only life once, make the best of it!

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Moving on to the Next Chapter of Our Lives…

With graduation right around the corner for many of my friends, I thought this would be the perfect time to share the last several steps of living your life to the fullest. Many of us will be entering into the real world soon and moving on to the next chapter of our lives. Although we may not be able to spend every waking moment with each other like we have for the past five years, we’ll be able to reflect on the great times that we shared together and carry those special memories  in our thoughts and in our hearts. There will be many changes at this time; some good, some bad, some happy, some sad. No matter what it may be, this is a time for growth. Turning to this new chapter we will have to find ways to survive on our own, look for jobs and adapt to new surroundings, and with this will come struggles and disappointments. However, we cannot let these things discourage us. It doesn’t matter how many times we get rejected or shot down, what matters is that we get back up each and every time and never give up no matter how hard things may be. With these hardships will also come new opportunities, new responsibilities, success as well as a number of other positive outcomes. As an athlete, my motto was always, “Every game is just an opportunity to measure yourself against your own potential.” However, in the real world and in this new chapter of our lives, it can be changed to, “Every day is just an opportunity to measure yourself against your own potential.” This means that every day will only be as good as we want it to be, because we’re in control! We may not realize or recognize the great potential that we all have, but as long we put 110% in all that we do and put our best foot forward, we only have one direction to go, and that’s up!

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